Thursday 26 September 2013

Group By Clause In Value Sets

Goto the following window from “System Administrator” Responsibility and define your Value Set.


If distinct values to be listed in your value set, you cannot directly use Distinct or Group By clause in your definition in Value set form where you define it. You have to either create View with of distinct or group by clause or you can use the following way to define to get distinct values. This is one of the alternative ways to get distinct value in value set.

In Where/Order By section, you can get the max rowid of your condition.

Select attribute2 from wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn

wlpn.attribute2 is not null and
wlpn.lpn_context in (1, 8, 9, 11)
and wlpn.organization_id
(select organization_id from
apps.org_access_v where responsibility_id in (select fnd_profile.value('resp_id') from dual))
and rowid = (select max(rowid) from wms_license_plate_numbers wlp where wlp.organization_id in (select organization_id from
apps.org_access_v where responsibility_id in (select fnd_profile.value('resp_id') from dual)) and wlp.attribute2=wlpn.attribute2)

Code in Red Color(Value set where clause) .
