select account_number "Account Number"
, obj.party_name "Customer Name"
, sub.party_name "Contact Name"
, hcp.contact_point_type || ': ' ||
DECODE(hcp.contact_point_type, 'EMAIL', hcp.email_address
, 'PHONE', hcp.phone_area_code || ' ' || hcp.phone_number
, 'WEB' , hcp.url
, 'Unknow contact Point Type ' || hcp.contact_point_type
) "How to Contact"
from apps.hz_cust_accounts hca
, apps.hz_parties obj
, apps.hz_relationships rel
, apps.hz_contact_points hcp
, apps.hz_parties sub
where hca.party_id = rel.object_id
and hca.party_id = obj.party_id
and rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
and rel.relationship_type = 'CONTACT'
and rel.directional_flag = 'F'
and rel.party_id = hcp.owner_table_id
and hcp.owner_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
and hca.account_number=1258;
Amar Alam
, obj.party_name "Customer Name"
, sub.party_name "Contact Name"
, hcp.contact_point_type || ': ' ||
DECODE(hcp.contact_point_type, 'EMAIL', hcp.email_address
, 'PHONE', hcp.phone_area_code || ' ' || hcp.phone_number
, 'WEB' , hcp.url
, 'Unknow contact Point Type ' || hcp.contact_point_type
) "How to Contact"
from apps.hz_cust_accounts hca
, apps.hz_parties obj
, apps.hz_relationships rel
, apps.hz_contact_points hcp
, apps.hz_parties sub
where hca.party_id = rel.object_id
and hca.party_id = obj.party_id
and rel.subject_id = sub.party_id
and rel.relationship_type = 'CONTACT'
and rel.directional_flag = 'F'
and rel.party_id = hcp.owner_table_id
and hcp.owner_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
and hca.account_number=1258;
Amar Alam