SYSADMIN and Application Developer
1. What is the relation between Responsibility, Menu and Request Group?
Responsibility: - A responsibility is a set of authority in Oracle Apps that lets users access only that functionality of the application appropriate to their roles.
Menu: - A menu is a hierarchical arrangement of functions and menus of functions that appears in the Navigator. Each responsibility has a menu assigned to it.
Request Group: - it is a collection of reports or concurrent programs. A system Administrator defines report groups in order to control user access to reports and concurrent programs. Only a system administrator can create a request group.
What is a function, how to create one?
A function is apart of an application’s functionality that is registered under a unique name for the purpose of assigning to it to, or excluding it from, a menu (and by extension, responsibility). There are several types of functions: - Form Functions, SubFunctions, and
Non-form functions. We often refer to a form function simply as a form.
What is meant by APPL_TOP?
Environment variable
An operating System variable that describes an aspect of the environment in which your application runs. For example, you can define an environment variable to specify a directory path.
$APPL_TOP: An environment variable that denotes the installation directory for Oracle Application Object Library and your other Oracle applications. $APPL_TOP is usually one directory level above each of the product directories (which are often referred to as $PROD_TOP or $PRODUCT_TOP or $_TOP).
Explain briefly where are the Custom.pll, Forms, Reports, Sql Loader Control files, Shell
Script source code and executables files kept?
Custom.pll - $AU_TOP/resource
Forms - $PROD_TOP/Forms/US
Reports - $PROD_TOP/Reports/US
SQL Control Files - $PROD_TOP/Bin
Shell Scripts - $PROD_TOP/Bin
When is Custom.pll used?
Custom.pll is used while making new or customizing standard oracle forms in apps. It contains all the forms libraries for apps.
What are profile options; at what levels can these be set?
A user profile is a set of changeable options that affects the way the applications run. Oracle
Applications object Library establishes a value for each option in a user’s profile when the
User logs on or changes responsibility.
System Profile: - Profile option can be set for the user community.
User Profile: - Provide Oracle Apps with standard information which describes a user,
Application, Responsibility and site. At each profile level user profile options can be set.
How can you know the form (fmb) name when you open a form in Apps?
Helpà About Oracle Apps
Where do you create a table and sequence in Apps? Is it APPS schema?
In custom schema and then grant privileges on it to APPS schema.
Where are Views and Procedures created?
Views: - Views are to be created only in APPS.
Procedures: - In custom schema and the grant it to APPS schema.
How can you tell who last updated a particular row in a form?
Help à Record History
11. You have logged onto a Responsibility, how do you know what operating unit are you on?
Help à Diagonistics à Examine à Blocks à $Profiles$ à Field à Org_id
Can new profiles be created? If so how?
Yes. Application Developer.
1. What is the relation between Responsibility, Menu and Request Group?
Responsibility: - A responsibility is a set of authority in Oracle Apps that lets users access only that functionality of the application appropriate to their roles.
Menu: - A menu is a hierarchical arrangement of functions and menus of functions that appears in the Navigator. Each responsibility has a menu assigned to it.
Request Group: - it is a collection of reports or concurrent programs. A system Administrator defines report groups in order to control user access to reports and concurrent programs. Only a system administrator can create a request group.
What is a function, how to create one?
A function is apart of an application’s functionality that is registered under a unique name for the purpose of assigning to it to, or excluding it from, a menu (and by extension, responsibility). There are several types of functions: - Form Functions, SubFunctions, and
Non-form functions. We often refer to a form function simply as a form.
What is meant by APPL_TOP?
Environment variable
An operating System variable that describes an aspect of the environment in which your application runs. For example, you can define an environment variable to specify a directory path.
$APPL_TOP: An environment variable that denotes the installation directory for Oracle Application Object Library and your other Oracle applications. $APPL_TOP is usually one directory level above each of the product directories (which are often referred to as $PROD_TOP or $PRODUCT_TOP or $
Explain briefly where are the Custom.pll, Forms, Reports, Sql Loader Control files, Shell
Script source code and executables files kept?
Custom.pll - $AU_TOP/resource
Forms - $PROD_TOP/Forms/US
Reports - $PROD_TOP/Reports/US
SQL Control Files - $PROD_TOP/Bin
Shell Scripts - $PROD_TOP/Bin
When is Custom.pll used?
Custom.pll is used while making new or customizing standard oracle forms in apps. It contains all the forms libraries for apps.
What are profile options; at what levels can these be set?
A user profile is a set of changeable options that affects the way the applications run. Oracle
Applications object Library establishes a value for each option in a user’s profile when the
User logs on or changes responsibility.
System Profile: - Profile option can be set for the user community.
User Profile: - Provide Oracle Apps with standard information which describes a user,
Application, Responsibility and site. At each profile level user profile options can be set.
How can you know the form (fmb) name when you open a form in Apps?
Helpà About Oracle Apps
Where do you create a table and sequence in Apps? Is it APPS schema?
In custom schema and then grant privileges on it to APPS schema.
Where are Views and Procedures created?
Views: - Views are to be created only in APPS.
Procedures: - In custom schema and the grant it to APPS schema.
How can you tell who last updated a particular row in a form?
Help à Record History
11. You have logged onto a Responsibility, how do you know what operating unit are you on?
Help à Diagonistics à Examine à Blocks à $Profiles$ à Field à Org_id
Can new profiles be created? If so how?
Yes. Application Developer.
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